Mexican Knit Nets Workshop

On January 27, 2018, a workshop entitled Knit Nets was held in Mexico City, an initiative promoted by the Coordinator of Youth and Arts of Servas Mexico, and supported by the Mexican Institute for Justice (IMJUS). The aim of the workshop was to make mats while building knowledge around the responsible use of plastic bags. This tradition of mat making spread around Mexico City very quickly after the earthquake of 19 September. Some 15 people enjoyed participating in this workshop.

Calgary Peace Prize

The Calgary Peace Prize, awarded through Mount Royal University’s Peace Studies Initiative “recognizes outstanding individuals from the global community, who work toward making the world a more just, safer and less violent place.” The 2016 prize honoured the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada — Dr. Marie Wilson, Justice Murray Sinclair and Chief Wilton Littlechild.

Servas Canada offered a small donation to allow five MRU undergraduate students attend the ceremony. The 2017 prize was awarded to the Honourable Douglas Roche, O.C. for his long and sustained efforts towards international peace building and for raising awareness of human security issues and nuclear disarmament.