Our Peace Mandate

Our Peace Mandate

The aims of Servas International, as set out in its 1948 charter are: “To help build world peace, goodwill and understanding by providing deeper, more-personal contact with people of other cultures and backgrounds, at grass-roots level, to share the hosts’ life and concern on social and international problems, their interests in creative activities and mutual responsibility for their fellows.”

Servas Canada, as part of Servas International, works to achieve these same goals by:

  • Recognizing, valuing, and following the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals click here
  • Opening our doors and sharing conversations; Servas Canada accepts hosts and travellers of any ethnicity, nationality, language, age, or sexual orientation
  • Promoting the unity of humanity through an understanding of diverse beliefs, traditions, and perspectives; and recognizing that we all wish for the same: love of family and friends, peaceful relations, good health, opportunity, and freedom to enjoy these gifts
  • Working with related communities in promoting and supporting the peace agenda
  • Engaging in local, national, or international activities that encourage global peace initiatives

Our values are peace, respect, cultural awareness and sensitivity, trust, honesty, social justice, and open-mindedness.