Servas Russia has initiated an exciting programme where children and grandchildren of Servas members are welcome to be involved in an international postcard/letter penpal community. So far, cards have already been shared amongst Servas children in Russia, Italy, Turkey, Burundi, France, and Poland.
Goals of this project are to:
• Involve Servas children in international communications;
• Promote and encourage tolerance; and
• Share interests and develop acceptance of various cultures, religions, and traditions.
If you are or know of someone who is interested in participating in this intercultural dialogue, please contact Iuliia Mezenina (National Secretary of Servas Russia and coordinator of this project) at Servas Russia will establish a database of children who wish to exchange letters and postcards by snail mail. The database will include the child’s name, its interests and language capabilities, and postal address. The language of communication will initially be English and Spanish.
JOIN US write now!!!!