Keeping in Touch 9 Years Later
John: The warm Galilean evening was in sharp contrast to the frigid Canadian morning, as smiles, laughter, reminiscing, and Zoom brought two families back together.
John: The warm Galilean evening was in sharp contrast to the frigid Canadian morning, as smiles, laughter, reminiscing, and Zoom brought two families back together.
Michele and Ted: You know it’s going to be a great party, when the Deputy National Secretary from Toronto walks in, and immediately recognizes guests
Aran: Ever since I was a child, there have always been strangers staying in my family’s household. From foreign exchange students to world roaming cyclists,
Carol and Jim of Ottawa include Servas friendships and stays during their recent trek through the Pyrenees. During the summer/fall of 2017 we completed a
Kent and Thom of Quadra Island, British Columbia, share their joy of valued time spent with Servas hosts, including day hosts. [Thanks for mentioning day
If you have travelled or hosted with Servas Canada and would like to share some of your news and a couple of photographs as a Servas Story, please contact us.