Join Us
We don’t just travel to see places. We also travel to meet people. To make new friends that span the globe and last a lifetime. To build a stronger understanding of the world around us.
We host travellers for similar reasons. To welcome people to Canada. To share our own perceptions on this wonderful and diverse country with people from around the world or from other parts of Canada.
Servas is much more than simply finding free accommodations. Most visits with a host are for two days, which allows time to share meals and build friendships. Hosts often offer insights on the best place to visit.
As a host or a traveller, you are an ambassador for Servas Canada and Canada. We want to make sure that all our members share our passion for building peace and understanding through travel. That’s why our membership process will take a few weeks, and includes an interview with a Servas interviewer to review our guidelines.
Before you apply:
- Read the Traveller Responsibilities and Host Responsibilities
- See our fee structure. Servas Canada charges an annual membership fee for all members plus a traveller fee to cover administration expenses
- Read some Traveller’s Tales to see what people have to say about their experiences with Servas
How to Join
- Get two letters of reference (available as a .pdf) from people who know you well, and are not family members.
- Contact an interviewer. Use the Interviewer Finder map to contact the most conveniently located interviewer, and make an appointment to meet in person. If you cannot find an interviewer, please contact us. Be sure to include your location in your online form or message.
- The interviewer will make the decision about your application, ensure that you understand how Servas operates, and help you to register with ServasOnline.
Once your membership is approved, you can activate your account with ServasOnline.
- Sign the Privacy & Confidentiality Agreement form (available online or as a .pdf).
- Complete your account with ServasOnline. A Servas administrator will set it up and provide you with the initial link. The information you provide will become part of the Letter of Introduction you will give to a host when you travel.
- Pay your fees, according to the fee structure. All members pay an annual fee. Traveller fees are paid when you are ready to travel.
- Fees may be paid by:
- E-transfer to
- Cheque made payable to “Servas Canada” and mailed to the Treasurer
- Fees may be paid by: