Servas Canada Conflict Resolution Policy
Approved by the Servas Canada Board at its meeting of 24 April 2022, to be effective immediately
In any shared human endeavour, there is the possibility of occasional misunderstandings or disagreements among the participants. Servas Canada’s Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures provides a thorough, impartial process to resolve situations of conflict between Servas members resulting from their decisions, actions or behaviour.
Policy Statement
The interaction among Servas members needs to reflect the organization’s values of respect, compassion, and peace. The process to resolve conflict between Servas members will mirror these same values.
It is preferable that the parties to the conflict resolve the matter among themselves. If this is not possible, Servas Canada will provide a more formal process of investigation and final decision-making.
Scope of the Policy
This policy applies to situations of misunderstandings or disagreements between Servas members regarding their decisions, actions or behaviour. It also applies to situations in which Servas Canada members may be concerned about improper decisions and actions by the Servas Canada Board.
A. Conflict between Servas Canada members/volunteers, and other Servas Canada members/volunteers:
If Servas Canada members or volunteers cannot resolve a conflict with other Servas Canada members or volunteers, they may, by means of a written submission, request Servas Canada’s Conflict Resolution Facilitator to investigate the conflict situation. The Conflict Resolution Facilitator shall contact the other party and request from them a written submission about the situation. The Conflict Resolution Facilitator will:
- interview both parties to gather any further information and the parties’ suggestions for resolving or remedying the conflict fairly
- determine what process is likely to lead to resolution, with mediation as an option
- inform both parties of the suggested process and seek their approval to proceed
- if both parties agree, facilitate the process, acting as a neutral third party, resulting in a signed agreement by both parties and facilitator stating the terms of the resolution
- inform Servas Canada’s National Secretary that the conflict has been resolved.
If resolution is not achieved:
- the Conflict Resolution Facilitator will submit a report to the National Secretary, outlining the conflict situation, process taken, likely reason(s) for continued conflict, and recommendation(s) for moving forward
- the National Secretary will consult with the Conflict Resolution Facilitator and the Board to determine next steps
- the National Secretary will decide on any actions to be taken, and will inform both of the parties in writing
- the National Secretary’s decision shall be final and binding
B. Conflict between a Servas Canada member and a Servas member from another country:
If a Servas Canada member cannot resolve a conflict with a Servas member from another country, they may, by means of a written submission, request Servas Canada’s Conflict Resolution Facilitator to investigate the conflict situation. The Conflict Resolution Facilitator shall then contact their counterpart in the country of the other Servas member to discuss the situation and to decide on and implement a course of action to resolve the conflict.
If Servas Canada’s Conflict Resolution Facilitator concludes that a Servas Canada member may have acted or behaved improperly in the conflict situation, the Conflict Resolution Facilitator will inform Servas Canada’s Servas International Liaison about the conflict situation, and will also make a recommendation to the National Secretary for any remedial action. The National Secretary will decide on any actions to be taken, and will inform the Servas Canada member in writing. The National Secretary’s decision will be final and binding on the Servas Canada member.
C. Concern by Servas Canada member(s) of improper conduct by the Servas Canada Board
If Servas Canada member(s) believe that the Servas Canada Board has acted improperly in fulfilling its responsibilities, they may ask in writing for the assistance of and/or investigation by Servas Canada’s Conflict Resolution Facilitator. If there is no Conflict Resolution Facilitator available, the member(s) may contact Servas International’s Conflict Resolution Committee.
All steps in Servas Canada’s Conflict Resolution process will be conducted in a timely manner and every effort shall be taken to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the parties without limiting the scope of the investigation and follow-up.
Member Access to the Policy and Procedures
The Servas Canada board shall ensure that the text of the Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures is accessible to all Servas Canada members through the Servas Canada website and other means as practicable. This information for members will include an email link to Servas Canada’s Conflict Resolution Facilitator.